Bakersfield MedSpa
2700 F St. Bakersfield, CA 93301
Serving the Central Valley Area
A Fusion of Beauty and Science
concept of benefits of treating dark circles

Benefits of Treating Dark Circles

Dark circles often come with the natural aging process, but there are a number of other causes. Poor sleep, smoking, excessive drinking, chronic stress, and sun exposure can all impact the look of your under eyes. The impact dark circles can have on your face can be dramatic. However, there are cosmetic treatments that can help improve the look of your under eyes. Consider the following benefits of treating dark circles.

Benefits of Treating Dark Circles

Dark circles can impact your appearance and confidence. Consider the following benefits of treating dark circles.

Younger-Looking Appearance:

One of the most common causes of dark circles is aging. As you get older, the skin under your eyes becomes looser. This makes the blood vessels underneath your eyes look more prominent. The area underneath your eyes can also look hollower as a result of aging. Dark under eyes can make you look older and negatively impact your facial aesthetic. However, dark circle treatment can dramatically reduce the appearance of your dark circles and reveal a more youthful-looking appearance.

Rested Look:

Dark circles can make you look tired and grumpy. Dark circles may be caused by poor sleep issues and can be accompanied with puffy eyelids and a hollowed under-eye area. You can avoid looking tired all of the time by getting laser treatment in Bakersfield. It can dramatically reduce the appearance of your dark circles and help you look more rested than ever before.

Long-Lasting Solution:

Those who have dark circles have to deal with the issue on a daily basis. They either have to go out with their dark circles, or try covering it with makeup products. However, this is just a temporary solution. Bakersfield dark circle removal reduces the appearance of dark circles, lost volume, and loose skin for up to 12 months. Follow-up sessions can help maintain your results to ensure they last.

Dark Circle Removal Treatment

Candidates for dark circle treatment should have realistic expectations and be in good overall health. Most often patients seek dark circle treatment to avoid having to undergo more invasive procedures. This is one of the major benefits of dark circle treatment as it is minimally invasive so you can avoid all of the unnecessary recovery and downtime. The treatment is also safe and effective.

Moving forward with the treatment requires a consultation. A specialist will meet with you to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure, in addition to better understanding your expectations. Once it has been determined that you are a good candidate for the procedure, a personalized treatment plan will be created for you based on your own aesthetic goals.

Dark circle removal treatment is administered by a dermal filler specialist. The specialist is trained in targeting dark circles to reduce their appearance. Treatment takes less than an hour and there is minimal discomfort. The results are immediate and continue to improve after your apportionment. Depending on your unique needs, a series of treatments may be necessary to achieve your desired results. Contact the team at Bakersfield MedSpa today to schedule an appointment!

Post-Treatment Care

The longevity of your results can depend on a number of factors. Consider the following after you get dark circle treatment to ensure your results last.

Use Sun Protection:

Protecting your skin is important and it can also help reduce the appearance of dark under-eye circles. Use at least SPF 30 daily to ensure your skin stays in good shape.

Avoid Smoking:

Smoking is bad for your overall health and can have a dramatic impact on your skin. Avoid the habit altogether, especially after your dark circle treatment as it can derail your results.


Maintain a consistent, daily skincare routine that meets your skin’s unique needs. A quality cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF are a good start. However, talk with your specialist about what products are right for your skin.

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