Bakersfield MedSpa
2700 F St. Bakersfield, CA 93301
Serving the Central Valley Area
A Fusion of Beauty and Science
dr performing laser hair removal on face

Can You Treat a Unibrow With Lasers?

Time has shown that eyebrow shape, size, length, and color are constantly evolving. The early 2000s left many people with thin overplucked eyebrows, while the 2010s brought a bushier aesthetic. One aspect of eyebrows that has always stayed consistent is the fact that most people want to keep the area between their eyebrows free from hair. A unibrow can distract from other areas of your face that you’ll want attention drawn to. If you are tired of plucking and wondering if you can treat a unibrow with lasers, you are in the right spot. Below you will find more information on laser hair removal and how it can keep you unibrow-free.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser hair removal uses direct laser light beams to prevent future hair growth in the areas treated. The goal of the treatment is to prevent future hair growth. If the treatment doesn’t prevent hair growth permanently, it at the very least drastically reduces the rate of hair growth. This can be such a time saver for so many as constantly plucking, waxing, and threading can be painful and is only a temporary solution. Laser hair removal treatment itself is very fast and relatively painless.

Some people report slight discomfort, but the treatment itself is very short. You will likely need to go in for multiple treatment sessions after your initial appointment. The average amount of sessions is usually between six to eight visits, but each patient is different. The amount of sessions needed depends on your hair color, density, hormones, sex, and your desired aesthetic. You should always get treated by a licensed professional as experience matters when it comes to laser hair removal.

Can You Treat a Unibrow With Lasers?

If you want to remove hair on your face, laser hair removal treatment is the most efficient option. While you may want to get rid of your unibrow, you can opt to get more areas treated on your face and neck areas. While the treatment option requires a number of sessions, it’s a long-term solution that is cost-effective in getting rid of your unwanted hair. This can save you a lot of time, money, and pain as you won’t have to deal with the pain of wax removal and razor bumps from shaving.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Research has shown that women spends thousands of dollars throughout their lifetime on hair removal products. This is exacerbated by the extra taxes placed on women’s hygiene and hair removal items, such as shavers and shaving cream. This is often referred to as the “pink tax” and it can cost women more and more money each year. These types of short-term hair removal products are often temporary fixes, such as shaving and waxing. The products are often single-use plastics that create a lot of waste. In addition, they don’t solve your problem in a long-term way as the hair grows back. Depending on your hair, shaving lasts only a few days maximum, and waxing lasts just a few weeks. Opting for a more long-term solution like laser hair removal can save you time, money, and reduce waste.

Bakersfield Rejuvenation Center

Nobody wants to walk around with unwanted facial hair, especially a unibrow. If you have unwanted hair on your face and neck and are considering laser hair removal, contact Bakersfield Medspa. They specialize in a wide variety of cosmetic treatments, including laser hair removal. Their team is focused on helping you look and feel refreshed. They also want to help you achieve your desired aesthetic so you feel confident walking out their doors. Contact Bakersfield Rejuvenation Center to set up an appointment so you can start looking and feeling like yourself again!

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