Bakersfield MedSpa
2700 F St. Bakersfield, CA 93301
Serving the Central Valley Area
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Best Way to Remove Unwanted Hair

Hair inevitably grows on many parts of your body. In fact, roughly 30% of women and 90% of men’s bodies are covered in visible hair. This type of hair is called “terminal hair” as compared to peach fuzz-style hair, which is called “vellus hair.” Terminal hair is often darker, thicker, and more visible as compared to peach fuzz. People spend thousands of dollars throughout their lifetime to remove their unwanted hair. Below you will find the best way to remove unwanted hair.

Best Way to Remove Unwanted Hair

Laser Hair Removal:

This method is the most effective treatment option to remove unwanted hair. Laser hair removal in Bakersfield uses state-of-the-art laser technology to target the root of your hair below the skin. This will reduce hair growth, and the results are long-lasting. The treatment is effective for all skin types, is painless, and there is no downtime. For long-term results, laser hair removal is the most effective treatment option to get rid of your unwanted hair.


This hair removal method is effective, but the results are not as long-lasting as laser hair removal. Those who wax also report that the process can be painful. Regular waxing can slow down the hair growth process, in addition to your hair growing back thinner. However, continual waxing treatments are necessary to keep your hair at bay.


This is a great method for removing facial hair. A skilled professional uses two cotton threads that are twisted to remove your hairs. This can be painful, but often not as painful as waxing. However, unlike waxing the results can last up to five weeks. An added benefit of threading is that it can make your skin smoother and look much brighter.


Unlike the previous methods, plucking is something you can do yourself at home. This is a great method for getting those pesky hairs that pop up on your face and neck. However, this is not a comprehensive hair removal option. The benefit of this option is that it has great precision and you can count on the hair you plucked not popping up again for another couple of months. This is essentially a hair removal spot treatment that can get a problematic hair out of your way quickly with little to no preparation.


The benefits of shaving are that you can do it quickly before an event or any occasion you would like to be hairless for. There are a variety of options, including disposable or electric. The drawback of shaving is that it only lasts a couple of days depending on how fast your hair grows back. However, it is a quick fix that can get you fast results.

Rejuvenation Med Spa in Bakersfield

Each year people spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on hair removal products. From wax treatments and threading appointments to shavers and shaving cream, the products are expensive and can create a lot of unnecessary waste. In fact, a vast amount of non-recyclable waste is created from various hair removal methods. On top of the waste and cost, various methods also take up a lot of your time. With that, laser hair removal is the most effective, long-lasting option that doesn’t waste your time or money.

If you are interest in getting rid of your unwanted hair and considering laser hair removal, contact Bakersfield Medspa. They specialize in a wide variety of cosmetic treatments, including laser hair removal. The experts at Bakersfield Medspa are focused on ensuring you feel refreshed. Contact the top rejuvenation med spa in Bakersfield today to set up an appointment!

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